Applied Theory Lab

Local Value Creation

The human being lives, works and travels all sorts of physical localities. Where ever we are, what ever we do - we will be at a local place when we do it, whatever it is we do. And once doing it while at one place, there is an ever increasing chance that what we do will impact people in other places which in return may impact the local place there. This is only one of uncountable ways by which local value creation in every possible sense is an ubiquitous generator of global outcomes.

About us

  • works in the intersection of technology, society and economics.
  • Our mission is to find, endorse and partner around systems with potential to empower local governance and development.
  • We represent an independent position between the interests and activities of the private sector and the public sector.
  • Our primary geographical area of focal is currently the European Union and our head quarters and central research lab is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
  • continue..

You are invited

creating better times for everyone calls for creating better places for everyone


Welcome to join uur mission, we are open to proposals on how to keep developing together with you.

Local Development and Governance

Theory of Change Lab


The future of local government is increasingly dependent on the future of technological, societal and economic systems.


Our mission is to find, endorse and partner around systems with potential to empower local development and governance.
